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Writer's pictureAmanda

Amanda Update

Hello everybody! Today I'm just gonna write some stuff about the things I've done and made recently! I've been busy looking for a job lately, I would like to get into something relating to art but that also pays alright. I really love doing my art as my job but I do not have enough income to cover basic expenses so I really need to get a job! I am absolutely dragging my feet on it though cuz I dont wanna! Anyways I applied to a couple ceramics studios and I didn't hear back but it was good progress and exciting because it was my first job applications including images of my work and skills that I have from making art and getting my art degree :3 The other job I applied for was for a receptionist type office job at an art studio that does art classes! It would be a great environment for me and I hope I get it but I'm still looking for jobs in case I don't! The job market is difficult right now.

This summer I've been doing lots of markets and they have been very fun! I get to vend with my friend and often other friends come to visit us and it's very fun! I usually vend in the park! These events are mostly hit or miss, thankfully most have gone well but I had one that I made zero dollars on and yesterday I had my second worst vending event this summer and only made twenty dollars. I am so thankful for the sales but at the same end, between gas, train tickets, time, effort and food during the event, I don't really make any money at all when I sell that little during one event. So that bummed me out but towards the end of the night a guy gave me a twenty dollar tip after talking to me a little about my art and stuffies and that was pretty cool I love tips :)) I generally get overstimulated when I get to a vending event and the same happened last night so I was petty grumpy all night long so dat sucked ! I appreciate so much that my mama joined me at this event though it was very sweet of her. Also at this event, a clothing reseller next to me was stolen from by a lady who came in and that really sucked for real. The event I did was really cute though honestly, there was bracelet making, cute vendors, BINGO, snacks, squaredancing and fun music!

This summer I really have made very little from my website that has bummed me out but the summer markets have sincerly saved my butt financially. Needless to say I am super happy to continue doing markets! Most are very fun and I have a good time and can make some good sales while I'm there which I am very thankful for. I am excited for to have a big girl job though so I hope I find something I like a lot very soon and then I hope they give me an interview and then i hope they give me the job (((((:

Some things that I made recently is two new stuffed animals and two new canvas pouches. The stuffed animals are safari themed and i made a giraffe and a lion! I used my Y2K style pattern as a base for these babies (((: They are light yellow in color and have brown accents, they are super cute and I hope you like them. Now I've made two different giraffe patterns but this is the first lion I've made! The other things I worked on last week were customizing two pink canvas pouches. One of them is a sacrificial lamb theme with a pink lamb who's bleeding and a cool thorned heart design above her. I used silver spikes and safety pins to embelish it. I also made a lamb heart keychain for the zipper. The other pouch I worked on was a big grey centipede with a pink bow and a grey heart plush keychain. These things turned out so so cute and I think that's why I was dissapointed that none of them sold last night!!!

Anyways wanted to come on and write some stuff and things about what I've been up to!! Thanks for reading if you got this far!!

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